Supplies Needed:

Step 1

Silica Gel

Pour Flower Drying Art into a container to a depth of at least 1.5” to cover the bottom.

Step 2

Prepare Flowers

Select fresh flowers to preserve.

Cut flowers off of their stems.

Step 3

Dry Flowers

Place flowers on the surface of the Flower Drying Art.
Space flowers so they do not touch each other.

Slowly sprinkle Flower Drying Art around the base of the flowers, adding it to the top and sides of the flowers.

Cover the container with an airtight lid and put away in a dry place.
Drying times vary depending upon the number of flowers in a container and the moisture content of the flowers.
Watch for the blue crystals to turn pink.
This action shows that the moisture from the flowers is being absorbed into the Flower Drying Art.

Step 4

Remove Flowers

To remove flowers, slowly pour off the Flower Drying Art until flowers are uncovered.
Gently brush away the silica gel that may be on the petals using a soft paint brush.

Step 5

Silicone Mold

Select mold shape to use.
*Clean mold with a damp towel before use.

Step 6

Flower Arrangement

Plan an arrangement for the flowers before placing them into the wet resin.

Step 7


Prepare resin according to manufacture’s directions. Pour the resin into the mold, filling mold only half way.

Step 8

Flower Placement

Place flowers into the resin one by one using tweezers.
Move flowers into the desired arrangement before the resin begins to set.
*Place flowers upside down in the mold.

Step 9

2nd Layer

Once the first layer of resin has set, pour additional resin into the mold until it fills to the rim.
*Applying two layers of resin allows the flowers to remain on the bottom of the mold and not float up to the top.

Step 10


Allow the resin to completely cure.
*Refer to manufacture’s directions regarding resin curing times.

Step 11


Once the resin has cured, remove the hardened flower coaster from the mold.
Gently flex the silicone mold back and forth and lift the hard coaster out.

Step 12


Enjoy using the flower coaster. The resin is water proof and will provide a protective barrier between the glass and table top.