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Making a plaster mold with Plastermix


Plaster Casting

Making a plaster mold with Plastermix

Items required:

Items required

  • Sandtastik Plastermix of the color of your choice. (Try mixing colors for interesting results). Amount is dependent on the size of your mold.
  • A bucket or any large container you can use for mixing.
  • A stick or anything else you can use for mixing.
  • Water. Amount is dependent on the size of your mold.
  • A measuring cup or container to help measure your amounts of water and plaster.
  • A mold of your choice


  1. Measure Plastermix – 1 cup of Plastermix for every ½ cup of water.

Mix Ingredients, stir

  1. Stir the Plastermix and water into your bucket until you obtain a smooth consistency. (Try to be quick the plaster starts to dry quickly after being mixed with water)

Pour into mold

  1. Pour into desired mold.

Let Plastermix dry

  1. Let dry approx. 45-60 minutes. Drying times will vary for larger castings.

Remove from mold

  1. Carefully remove Plastermix casting from mold.

Plastermix mold complete

  1. Your casting is now ready to be decorated or left as is.