SIO-2® UPSALA - Blue Porcelain, 11 lb

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Upsala is a unique blue porcelain noted for its beautiful cobalt blue color. It has high plasticity, which makes it ideal for wheel-throwing and modeling.

Its formula is very stable and provides a secure firing range between Cone 6-7 (oxidizing atmosphere). It is suitable for tableware (food-safe), according to ISO 6486:1999.

Upsala is available in extruded body (moist form), and presented in a practical 11 lb. cylindrical format with double packaging.

This product is being offered with $15 Shipping via USPS Priority Flat Rate Box for deliveries within the USA.

This product is eligible for a bulk discount! Buy 4 or more of this product to get 10% off the total price!

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$29.55 $19.02

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SIO-2® UPSALA - Blue Porcelain

11 lb (5 kg)

Upsala is a unique blue porcelain noted for its beautiful cobalt blue color. It has high plasticity, which makes it ideal for wheel-throwing and modeling.

Its formula is very stable and provides a secure firing range between Cone 6-7 (oxidizing atmosphere). It is suitable for tableware (food-safe), according to ISO 6486:1999.

Upsala is available in extruded body (moist form), and presented in a practical 11 lb. cylindrical format with double packaging.

This product is being offered with $15 Shipping via USPS Priority Flat Rate Box for deliveries within the USA.

This product is eligible for a bulk discount! Buy 4 or more of this product to get 10% off the total price!


Firing range: 1200-1240ºC / 2192-2264ºF / Cone 6-7
Biscuit temperature: 1000ºC / 1832ºF / Cone 06
Water content: 22%
Plasticity (IP Atterberg): 11
Carbonate content (CaCO3): 0%
Drying shrinkage: 6.0%
Firing shrinkage 1220ºC / 2228ºF: 10.4%
Porosity (water absorption) at 1220ºC / 2228ºF: 0.0%
Dry bending strength: 3.3 N/mm2
Fired bending strength 1220ºC / 2228ºF: 47.2 N/mm2
Thermal coefficient 1240ºC (25-500ºC): 64.2x10^-7ºC^-1

Art & Creative Materials Institute (ACMI) Certification Seal

FAQ for Upsala clay, with answers provided by SIO-2®

Can you bisque fire this at cone 04?
The recommended bisque firing temperature according to our technical recommendations is 1000ºC which is equivalent to cone 06 (1855ºF). Nevertheless, a bisque firing up to cone 04 is still OK, especially for our porcelains and stoneware. It’s important to know that with higher bisque firing temperatures, the object becomes harder and less porous, but it might be more difficult to apply the glazes as the liquid cannot easily enter the pores.

Click here to download our Fact Sheet for UPSALA clay!

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