Get 14% off with coupon code 14OFF during our February Sale!
Get 14% off with coupon code 14OFF during our February Sale!
Get 14% off with coupon code 14OFF during our February Sale!



Supplies Needed:

Step 1

Prepare Clay

Roll a smooth 3/8” slab of clay using measuring dowels and a rolling pin.

Step 2


Create a texture on the clay by firmly pressing down a textured rolling pin over the smooth slab.

Step 3

Tile Cutter

Cover the textured slab with plastic wrap.

Line the tile cutter up over the desired area of the textured slab.
Firmly press down the tile cutter into the clay slab and release the mechanism.

Remove the excess clay from around the square clay tile.

Repeat the process as many times as needed to create a set of matching tiles.

Step 4


Allow the clay to fully dry. Drying time will vary depending on temperature and humidity.
*NOTE: Placing tiles in-between two flat wood or drywall boards as they dry will aide in the process of keeping the tiles from warping.

Step 5

Bisque Fire

Fire clay in the kiln to cone 04.

Step 6


Apply glaze to the bisque tiles according to manufacturer’s directions.
*NOTE: This project was glazed using - Amaco C-1 Obsidian Black

Step 7

Glaze Fire

Fire the glazed tiles in the kiln. Follow manufacturer’s firing guidelines.
Firing range: Cone 6-10 (2269o-2381oF)

Step 8


Attach 1 self adhesive felt pad to each corner of the back of the tile.
This will act as a protective buffer from the rough clay tile surface when placed on a table top.