Clean, coarse Sandtastik® Therapy Play Sand for play therapy professionals, sand trays, sand & water tables, sensory activity tables and in-home or office applications. Sand, the boundless medium kids love getting their hands on! Watch as kids create a world full of wonder and meaning with play therapy toys while developing fine motor skills, intellect, visualization and social conduct.

How much sand do i need to fill a sandbox or sand table?

Let us help you find out how much sand is needed to fill your sandbox, sand table, or tray with our sand volume calculators.

Sand Calculators

Do you need more than 2,000 lbs of play sand?

We offer custom pricing and shipping options for our play sand in bulk quantites. Submit a quote request today to our sales team.

Request For Quote

Are you wondering about the differences between our Sparkling White Play Sand and our Therapy Play Sand? Click here to check our FAQ!