Designer: Carolyn Stearn
- One package White ACTIVA Activ-Clay
- Ribbon or thin cord
- Watercolor set
- Shiny pearl, sparkly, or glossy finish
- Toothpick
STEP 1 Make as many beads as you want, approx ½”- ¾” in size by rolling them in your hands, flattening then on a flat surface, any shape you like. Make a hole all the way through the bead with a round toothpick. Set aside to dry.
STEP 2 Paint the beads with watercolors, any colors you like. Set aside to dry.
STEP 3 Pick the finish you like, coat all the beads. Let dry. Hint: put the beads on toothpicks to coat them, then stick toothpick into a piece of Styrofoam to dry!
STEP 4 When dry string them on ribbon or cord to make a bracelet or necklace.
STEP 5 You can also use the beads to decorate things like picture frame, boxes etc. Just don’t put the hole in them and glue them to the item when they are dry